
For the current price and other share-related information, please refer to Nasdaq First North Growth Market.

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Click here for our current share price at Nasdaq First North Growth Market.
ISIN-code: SE0015988167
Shortname: SECARE
Certified Adviser:
FNCA Sweden AB – phone: +46(0)8 528 00 399 – Email: – Address: Box 5807, 102 48 Stockholm, Sweden


Dividend policy
Swedencare will pay a dividend that takes into account the Group’s earnings development, consolidation and investment needs, liquidity and financial position. The goal is to pay a dividend of 40 percent of the profit after tax.
Decision on dividend
The Annual General Meeting agreed on a dividend for the financial year 2023 of 0.23 SEK per share.

Three good reasons to invest in Swedencare

1. Strong brands and high quality products

Our Group companies are all focused on the premium segment. Our acquisition strategy is also based on investing in companies with existing clear and strong brands. The increase in demand for premium products, of which natural and organic products are an important part, has been one of the main drivers in the market. With the increasingly widespread view of pets as members of the family, pet owners have also increased their knowledge and awareness of their pets’ specific behaviours and needs.


Pet owners are increasingly demanding the highest quality food and products for their pets. It is also considered that food and snacks for pets should be of the same high standard as the family’s own food, or higher.


Swedencare ensures a range of high quality products through its own research and product development, at the same time as we analyse changing consumer needs, values and attitudes to their animals’ well-being and health. The latter including increased investment in customer interaction on social media etc. In-house production facilities that meet the quality requirements of the products are another important factor in remaining at the forefront of innovation and quality.

2. Presence in the major sales channels

Our products can be found in all major sales channels such as veterinarians, pet shops and on-line. We are represented in more than 20,000 veterinary clinics, and as many pet stores, in North America, Europe, Asia, South America and Australia. Many of our products are also sold on major on-line platforms such as and Amazon. We sell in-house to veterinarians and pet stores, through resellers and in partnership with licensees such as TV veterinarian Dr Pol.

In 2022, we also increased our investment in building a direct-to-consumer channel, an option that many customers are demanding.

3. Higher than market growth

The pandemic has been a contributing factor in the increased awareness of health and well-being. This applies not only to us humans but also to our pets. Both the number of pets and the demand for pet supplements have increased in recent years, especially in the premium segment. The trend is clear: more animal owners will spend more money on products that contribute to healthier and better lives for their pets.

Added to this is an ambition to grow faster than the market by finding export opportunities for our new products within the Swedencare family, in-house product development with rapid launch and in-house production to avoid bottlenecks.